German PPK 8MM Blank Firing Gun Replica: You recognize this gun. The Famed World War II PPK Automatic Pistol was also a favorite of Secret Agent 007 James Bond and all international security forces. This blank firing Replica pistol fires single or double action just like the original. Great for C...
Market price:
Our price: $95.00, save 25% Details
BACK IN STOCK; P-38 Blank Firing Gun 8MM Replica: This P-38 Replica is faithful in design to the legendary P38 Auto Pistol adopted by the German Wehrmacht during World War II. The P 38 replaced the P 08 Luger as the official German sidearm. It continued in use by West German forces long after the...
Market price:
Our price: $117.00, save 25% Details
New Front Firing Beretta M85 9MM PA Blank Firing Gun Replica by Kimar Fires flame and smoke from the end of the Barrel. All blank guns sold in America must have the red tip at the end of the barrel by federal law, though it is my understanding that if the item is used in the theatrical, movie or ...
Market price:
Our price: $128.00, save 25% Details
Front Firing ASI Blank Firing UZI 9MMPA-Ekol ASI; Our New Front Firing UZI Fires Flames and Smoke from the front of the Barrel just like a real Firearm. Our Blank Firing ASI UZI fires 15 9MMPA Blanks in 1.9 seconds. It is approved by the ATF. Like all of our Blank firing guns there is no firearms...
Market price:
Our price: $225.00, save 25% Details
Front Firing ASI Blank Firing UZI 9MMPA-Ekol ASI, same UZI but With the Folding Stock: Our New Front Firing UZI With a Folding Stock Fires Flames and Smoke from the front of the Barrel just like a real Firearm. Our Blank Firing ASI UZI fires 15 9MMPA Blanks in 1.9 seconds. It is approved by the A...
Market price:
Our price: $285.00, save 25% Details
Beretta Front Firing M92-F 9MMPA Blank Firing Gun Replica Kimar Model: Our New Front Firing M92F Fires Flame and smoke from the end of the Barrel. All blank guns sold in America must have the red tip at the end of the Barrel though it is my understanding that if the item is used in the theatrical...
Market price:
Our price: $136.00, save 25% Details
Beretta Front Firing V92-F 9MM PA Blank Firing Gun Replica Voltran/Ekol Model: Our New Front Firing V92F Fires Flame and smoke from the end of the Barrel. All blank guns sold in America must have the red tip at the end of the Barrel though it is my understanding that if the item is used in the th...
Market price:
Our price: $119.00, save 25% Details
Beretta Front Firing V92-F 9MM PA Blank Firing Gun Replica Voltran/Ekol Model: Our New Front Firing V92F Fires Flame and smoke from the end of the Barrel. All blank guns sold in America must have the red tip at the end of the Barrel though it is my understanding that if the item is used in the th...
Market price:
Our price: $126.00, save 25% Details
Beretta Front Firing V92-F 9MM PA Blank Firing Gun Replica Voltran/Ekol Model: Our New Front Firing V92F Fires Flame and smoke from the end of the Barrel. All blank guns sold in America must have the red tip at the end of the Barrel though it is my understanding that if the item is used in the th...
Market price:
Our price: $136.00, save 25% Details